The Social Network, a film which narrates the inception of Facebook reminded me the joy I had learning programming as a high schooler. I remember writing really simple programs using C++ and made my first web page in basic html in grade 10. The joy came from creating and problem solving. Nothing like spending hours cracking a puzzle and in the process, creating something out of nothing, ex nihilo. Type in a string of codes and integers and something wonderful comes out of it. This makes me wonder whether God had the same satisfaction creating the world. He is the only one truly created something out of nothing (“creatio ex nihilo”). He spoke, and the world came into existence. He saw what He made, and “behold, it was very good.” We are all on God’s Facebook. He invited all of us to be His friends.
(If you haven't read Part 1, it's here .) (Sat) Oct 13 - Sunrise at Spruce Knob 6 a.m. start in the dark. My legs surprised me by being happier than yesterday. My heart is in better place as well. The first 6.7 mile goes up to Spruce Knob, the highest point in West Virginia. Part of this section was on fire road and I welcomed the faster miles. Steady progress was made in the first 20 miles or so until the long, long descent into Aid Station 3. As I have decided yesterday, I'd start the race, go from aid station to aid station, and re-evaluate my condition at each. I left Aid station 2 feeling good but then the long descent once again put doubts in my mind. Running reduced to little steps on jello-legs. Compression socks helped to contain the injury and pain, but the strength to support the pounding was still lacking. Soon, my knees started to hurt as well. At aid station 3, they told me I had 2:45 to make it to the next aid station before the cut-off. At the pace I...
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