This summer has proven to be eventful. June kicked off with a mission trip in Haiti and onward to spending the rest of June with eMi in Calgary, AB. I even had a taste of Big Horn, which resulted in agonizing headache and a DNF. July was marked with adjusting back to normal, but pierced with excitements like the Grandfather Mountain marathon and family visiting & a road trip. Comes August, the first event was the Annihilator 50K at South Mountain. The Annihilator 50K was put on by Mark Connolly and Tim Woden from Bigfoot Trail Runners . On its Facebook event site, there's only one description: "If quads could cry this course will draw many tears." The race boasts its 9000+' gain and equal amount of loss, plus the heat and humidity of Carolina summer. Despite knowing how hard it was going to be, I was looking forward to a day - like an eight-hour work day - in the woods and mountains. The past two months of travelling and extroverted activities had their toll ...