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Showing posts from October, 2012

WV Trilogy - Part 2

(If you haven't read Part 1, it's here .) (Sat) Oct 13 -  Sunrise at Spruce Knob 6 a.m. start in the dark. My legs surprised me by being happier than yesterday. My heart is in better place as well. The first 6.7 mile goes up to Spruce Knob, the highest point in West Virginia. Part of this section was on fire road and I welcomed the faster miles. Steady progress was made in the first 20 miles or so until the long, long descent into Aid Station 3. As I have decided yesterday, I'd start the race, go from aid station to aid station, and re-evaluate my condition at each. I left Aid station 2 feeling good but then the long descent once again put doubts in my mind. Running reduced to little steps on jello-legs. Compression socks helped to contain the injury and pain, but the strength to support the pounding was still lacking. Soon, my knees started to hurt as well. At aid station 3, they told me I had 2:45 to make it to the next aid station before the cut-off. At the pace I...

WV Trilogy - Part 1

Driving to Spruce Knob My experience at WV Trilogy is unimaginable. It wasn't just the run or the scenery, though both are spectacular - but more so my journey before and during the run, the emotions, the learning, and the tremendous love and support I get from friends and family. The last three days are not only a running adventure, but an opportunity of personal growth and defining moments which will outlast adrenaline or results. Each of the journal entry is written after the run on each day. I want to share it chronologically and hopefully could take you through my experience as I have experience it. (Thurs) Oct 11 at 8:19 pm -  In my dorm room, in bed. I'm still nervous about my shin splints and calf pain. Both legs were hurting this afternoon. There's nothing much I could at this point but just take everything as it is - pain, race, outcome... My job tomorrow is to simply show up and do what I can. I'm praying to open my heart and mind to whatever God has...

The Receiving Act of Running

"I reminded myself before the run that the only thing that matters is receiving Christ's love and giving it out to others. I think God wants to work on the way I see myself right now. Getting wrapped up in times and performances is so easy! Am I worthy of respect and love because of my fast pace during workouts and my race results, or am I an adopted child of God who is incredibly loved by the Creator of the universe simply because I am His child? Do I appreciate others for who they are, or do I judge them by their performance and value them only when they run well? These questions challenge me." -Ryan Hall. (2011). Running with Joy. A timely quote as I prepare myself for this weekend. If anything, running has taught me that it is a receiving act like all aspects of my life. He has given me the ability to run and as I exercise it, He uses me and gives me the joy and contentment which I've never experienced before. There's simply nothing I can bring or add to wha...